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       is a rock and roll album written recorded produced mixed and mastered all by myself. I recorded it in a hole filled garage/bedroom that I shared with crickets spiders and my friend Joe. It was all accomplished in roughly three months with only sm58 and sm57 microphones.


     The original TOOMUCHOFAGOODTHING album is for sale in the store as well as the second album JOYRIDE which was just finished spring of 2018. It's a similar style - recorded with minimal setup in basements all over northern michigan (sometimes in my livingroom in pajamas).   


Album 3 was recorded in Bellaire Mi with Dave Runyan ( And was mostly done live with a trio which gives it a bit of a different vibe than the first two albums. It's called When The Lights Go Out and it's a bit of a collection of songs about saying goodbye and letting go.

Click the title of any album for a link to purchase either digital or physical copies. Thank you!


The songs are all written by Erin Campbell and go together well as a concise rocking somewhat trippy experience.

As I Draw In Smoke - SQuiDMouTH

SQuiDMouTH was once called art punk by a rad dude. It's a good tag for the group. It started as a two piece (drums and guitar) with a lot of swagger. Then I joined on bass and we recorded a short ep.




The idea for the name came while Erin and I were on the Oregon coast. She was telling me about famous musicians who use alter egos to get over stage fright. We thought Squidmouth would be an awesome name for her acoustic set of sad love songs, but when she got to northern Michigan she made herself a rock and roll band that fit the name perfectly.

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Kellerville has been the most prolific and successful band I've written songs with.

For almost 6 years the folk duo played thousands of shows, recorded three albums, and played in several states.

My cousin Holly Keller has a naturally beautiful voice, and working with her not only made me a better singer, but also showed me the importance of good song writing. 

To buy any of Kellerville's three albums click HERE or head to


Not my first band, but the first real rock and roll band I was a part of. Tubedebut was what I always wanted: a fab four of modern rock and roll with weird sections and simple catchy tunes.



I learned so much from this band and the guys in it. I'll always think of her as


"the one that got away"

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Stereo Artifacts


Stereo Artifacts was a rock and roll five piece (I wasn't in the band at the time of this picture) with two keyboard players that loved to find some of the stranger sounds on their instruments and weave them into songs that were both catchy and edgy. Front man Dan Campbell and I have been working together for over a decade now; he is a fantastic songwriter with a wonderful voice. A year or two after the album was finished, Johnny Allen (Far right, one of the two keyboardists) passed away suddenly and unexpectedly. I'm glad we have this record not only of some of Dans great songs, but also as a reminder of the time I spent getting to know Johnny.

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